asUS P9X79-WS normal


Oct 8, 2013

I have a new pc with MB asUS P9X79-WS , i7 4960x 3,6ghz, 64gb ram... i wanted to ask about overclocking, i see the pc are auto overclocking 1.2-4.0 ghz, its that normal?
because i see in motherboard display led as AA in red and the led ASUS in red,
Have a way to put as normal 3,6 ghz, no overclock?..

Well you're processor has a turbo feature in it.. basically its where it stays at 3.6 and then it can go up to 4ghz if needed, this is a stock setting by intel and it optimized for the chip, so you're in no danger by it using turbo.. But if you'd like to turn it off, go into you're BIOs and disable turbo boost, on my motherboard its in my CPU core features.. Yours is most likely different..

Just remember theres no hurt in keeping turbo on.. So it's problably a good thing you keep it on, because you get better performance at the cost of nothing..

O, and about the 1.2 - 4 ghz... Processors do this, it is a way of saving power and so unnessacary heat doesnt build up.. The system changes the clocks as nessacary.. like my CPU flickers from...
Well you're processor has a turbo feature in it.. basically its where it stays at 3.6 and then it can go up to 4ghz if needed, this is a stock setting by intel and it optimized for the chip, so you're in no danger by it using turbo.. But if you'd like to turn it off, go into you're BIOs and disable turbo boost, on my motherboard its in my CPU core features.. Yours is most likely different..

Just remember theres no hurt in keeping turbo on.. So it's problably a good thing you keep it on, because you get better performance at the cost of nothing..

O, and about the 1.2 - 4 ghz... Processors do this, it is a way of saving power and so unnessacary heat doesnt build up.. The system changes the clocks as nessacary.. like my CPU flickers from 1.4ghz then to like 3.4 then on full load 4.8 and then it sometimes goes to 4.8 for a few seconds on idle.. All processors do this.. Its all good stuff.. Im not exactly sure why youd wannt disable/remove the feature

Click solution button if this helped..

yeah you solved me about turbo boost is safe, i turned off that and still red as overclicking in led on MB. in Manual says, the "asus" led red is overclocked, blue is normal, green is safe or something that. normally must say the temp in led, but its AA in red...


uhm, that could mean maybe something else is being OCed on you're board make sure you actually disabled the turbo boost, and glad I could help..

Remember to click on solution button ^_^

Cheers, and PM me if you got more questiosn or something