ASUS PB278Q has trouble picking up signal after sleep mode and when the computer is turning on from being off.


Jan 20, 2014
It keeps saying no display over and over till I restart it like 10 times and it magically picks up on the signal . This time to get it to pick up signal I had to go from display port to HDMI. It just keeps blinking and blinking saying no signal . What the hell is going on ?
After several days of troubleshooting I have resolved the problem on my end.

There is a feature on newer motherboards in which they have sleep state settings outside the control of the operating system. Go into your bios and go to APM configuration. Look for ErP setting (default is usually disabled) and enable it to S4+S5 sleep state. This solved my problem, now my monitor will show a display after computer wakes up from sleep or when powered off.

Hope this helps.
I am having a similar problem. I have 3 monitors with the PB278Q being the first display. I noticed that if I happen to be working on the 2nd display for awhile, the Asus will suddenly go to sleep and I can't wake the damm thing up! I have had to resort to turning it on/off until it finally figures out that it is supposed to be working! What motherboard do you have? I have not heard of APM but as soon as I get a chance I am going to go into the BIOS and check it out. I have an Asus Maximus Hero VII.