Asus PG348Q Gaming Resolution Trouble...


Jul 30, 2014
So I can't game on my new PG348Q Asus Ultra Wide Screen monitor because I can't get games to display correctly with the monitor resolution 3440x1440. Right now I am specifically trying to play Fallout 4 but whatever I do, if I change the game to a smaller resolution, it just sits in the top right corner of the screen with roughly 4 inches of desktop space showing on the right and bottom sides. Is anyone using this monitor that seemibly was designed for gaming specifically and getting resolutions to display correctly in games?


Open Geforce experience and optimize the game. You can click on the wrench icon next to the optimize button to open the custom settings and check the resolution it set.

This is as close as I've been able to get it to full without looking terrible:

Full screen can be achieved (specifically for Fallout 4) by unticking windowed mode, but then it doesn't allow me to select a resolution.
I can get it to full screen but it becomes very blurry...
There are many games that do not support ultrawide resolutions(21:9) natively. In Skyrim anniversary I had to use geforce experience to get it to run at 2560x1080(has some hub issues but is only a small annoyance). Good chance that will work with FO4 as well since they use the same engine.
There are many games that do not support ultrawide resolutions(21:9) natively. In Skyrim anniversary I had to use geforce experience to get it to run at 2560x1080(has some hub issues but is only a small annoyance). Good chance that will work with FO4 as well since they use the same engine.

Hey what did you have to do? What are the steps?
Aha! The optimization! Thank God for GeForce Experience. I optimized it and it worked. I see what you mean about hubb issues though. Hotkey'd items (although I use an Elite controller to play) are a bit out of their frames, but I can still see everything. I'm going to try the .ini edit as well but I think I'm starting to get it. Learning as I go. Thanks guys :)
You need to manually input your screen resolution under my doc's / games/ fallout, edit in this file Fallout4Prefs.ini

This game wasnt optimized for ultra wide screen I dealt with same issue on my monitor.

Also here is a forum info you will find very useful down the road with support for games you may have trouble with ultra wide screen

Do you know which line in the ini needs to be edited for the resolution specifically xapoc?
under fallout4prefs.ini

bFull Screen=1
iSize H=1440
iSize W=3413 ( I have to upscale via DSR ) you would put here 3440

under fallout4custom.ini add this

iLocation X=0
iLocation Y=0



this is to help with scaling for whole load of games, you may need to get used to the setting, it scales different sometimes from game to game.
It has to run in background for it to work.

there is a mod to fix scaling for FO4 3440x1440 try that and follow the install process