ASUS Power Surge problems


Mar 27, 2014
My PC just shuts down and pops up the ASUS Power surge message shows.
My motherboard is H61M-k, its just 5 months old. I have a 7 month Old GTX 660
I saw in my BIOS to check my Voltage
In 3.3V Rail, i get 3.344V
5V Rail= 5.120 V
12V Rail = 11.904V
is there a problem with my Power supply?
Sorry from UK so do not know what is available.
Decent PSUs you could consider are Seasonic,Corsair,Antec and Superflower.
So, can you recommend me a PSU for max Rs 4000(Indian Rupees)? I dont have cash now, my max budget is this. I think 500 Watt PSU is ok for me right?
Im also planning to future upgrade to an FX 6300 and ASUS M5A97 2.0

Those number say definitely no. But with some concerns. If those numbers were measured by something more accurate, then those same numbers imply future failures can be expected. How did you measure voltages? If using a volt meter built onto a motherboard, then those numbers have little credibility until calibrated by a digital meter. Meanwhile, you did not provide all relevant numbers. So nobody can really say what is or is not defective.

Two options exist. Just keep replacing good parts until something works. Learn nothing. That is the most expensive option in time and money. Or get a digital meter and request instructions so that the resulting numbers say what is defective - and why.