Asus prime x370 pro, post with short beep


May 7, 2017
Ryzen 5 1600
Asus Prime x370 Pro
Corsair Venageance LED 3200
Sapphire RX 580
Corsair CX550M
Kingston 120gb M.2
WD Black 1Tb

Just breadboarded it, got post with a short beep. Manual says "VGA detected, Quick Boot set to disabled, and No Keyboard detected". Went ahead and assembled in the case. Same thing is happening.

I'm assuming it's telling me no keyboard detected because I get Asus screen with "please press DEL or F2 to enter UEFI BIOS setting" and I am unable to press del or f2 on keyboard, it doesn't respond. Moments before this screen, I receive a "_" in roughly middle of the left quarter of the screen, not quite in the corner.

I think my BIOS is "0504", read that I might need "Dell" keyboard or something along those lines? I currently have a Compaq keyboard in P/S2 slot that is not working. Have tried Razer black widow and Logitech K120 in USB slots. Also says to attach a mouse, the mouse is in a USB port and it has power.

First build and it is driving me to drinking.
DEL = Delete key, not Dell.

You could press the F2 or the DEL key repeatedly even before you see that message; if it doesn't work, then try another keyboard. If the keyboard wasn't detected outside of the case, then it won't be detected once everything is assembled in the case.
I realize that "Del" means delete and not Dell, I was meaning that I read some motherboards do not detect some keyboards for whatever reason. At a loss because, this will make me 2/2 on bad boards.
There isn't that I can find in the manual, I know they are getting power as I can plug a mouse into it and it lights up. Your guess is as good as mine.
Well, reckon I've solved it. After some further tinkering, I removed my GPU to see what would happen. Where I was supposed to receive a long beep followed by short ones, I just got the single short beep.. just doesn't make since... I don't know though, anyone have any thoughts?