ASUS Radeon R9 380 or MSI GeForce GTX960


May 18, 2016
So, i am wondering what to pick. Should i go for the R9 380 2048MB 256bit DirectCu II Strix or rather the GTX960 2048MB 128bit GAMING 2G. I see that on benchmarks the r9 perform slightly better that the gtx, but, when i asked for a recommendation, from the guy in the store wher i am supposed to buy the
graphics card, they recommended the gtx, because they have recived more complaints about the r9 than the gtx. I had a r9 270x before that stoped working, so i am really curious, what you guys think. And also if you have another suggestion for a graphics card in the same price range, please tell me. Ohh.. and i have a FX-6300 if you where wondering.



That would be the 480 / 1060 referenced in my post ... this would be easier if you had a budget range and also would be helpful to know if a) you use afterburner or similar utility to boost card clocks and b) your resolution ... 1080p ?

Start here:


Now lets compare .... remember I said we want to look at the non-reference cards ... the AMD AIB cards OC 6% / nVidia 18%

1060: 57.8 fps x 1.18 = 68 fps OC'd
480: 51.4 fps x 1.06 = 54 fps OC'd

There are about 16 games in the test suite so check them out to see how...
If I was forced to choose I would pick the R9 380 because it generally performs better than the GTX 960. That being said, I would probably try and save for the next tier of GPU unless I needed the card now.
Performance wise, and for "bang for buck" in that respect. yes, tho... the R9 cards have heat issues so having a case that can maintain good case cooling is essential

Here.... 380 > 960

But even w/ the 380 at $175...I'd instead look at the newer series cards and here...

Here ... 1060 > 480

Be aware that there is a large variance in pricing between MSRP and actual selling price so when considering that make sure to look at pricing for cards you can actually buy. The reference cards from both sides should be avoided. There was a reported over power problem with the 480, which AMD issued a fix for ... but it would appear that it wasn't enough

The non-reference 1060s are running at about $250

Could you tell me any specific card in the next tier of GPUs?

Hmm, I think you should wait for Rx 470 since it performs closer to Rx 480 (much better than Gtx 960 or R9 380) and costs 150$ with 4gb vram. Rx 470 is going to launch in a few days. However if you really want to decide between R9 380 and Gtx960, you should choose Gtx960 4gb version, since its draws less power while performing similarly, and has better driver support for future.

Are release dates different from country to country? And if yes do you have any idea when it releases in Poland?
There are a number of choices:

RX 480
GTX 1060
GTX 970
R9 390
R9 390X

The best value is probably the RX 480 4GB and is probably one of the cheapest, if not cheapest of these cards. The GTX 1060 or R9 390X are probably the best performing card but are a little more expensive.

The only thing I would like to reiterate is that your CPU could cause a potential bottleneck, especially if you don't have it overclocked.


Ok, Thanks. I'll look more at this tomorrow.

That would be the 480 / 1060 referenced in my post ... this would be easier if you had a budget range and also would be helpful to know if a) you use afterburner or similar utility to boost card clocks and b) your resolution ... 1080p ?

Start here:


Now lets compare .... remember I said we want to look at the non-reference cards ... the AMD AIB cards OC 6% / nVidia 18%

1060: 57.8 fps x 1.18 = 68 fps OC'd
480: 51.4 fps x 1.06 = 54 fps OC'd

There are about 16 games in the test suite so check them out to see how your favs do w/ each card. Overall:

1060: 100% x 1.18 = 118% OC'd
480: 90% x 1.06 = 95% OC'd

So, overall, the 1060 is about 24% faster overclocked.

So if you aren't going to OC, the 1060 is about 10% faster and costs about $250-$290.... the non-reference cards for AMD have been reported to cost from $230-$270. So you get 10% more speed for 8.6% more money

If you are going to OC, the 1060 is about 24% faster and costs about $250-$290.... the non-reference cards for AMD have been reported to cost from $230-$270. So you get 24% more speed for 8.6% more money

Again, the reference AMD cards have MSRP of $200 but just about impossible to buy ... if you stay at 1080p, it is certainly an option if the power issue doesn't bother you. Again, AMD has issued a fix, but fixed cards are still failing

If that price range is too high ... all I can offer is speculation on the 470 and 1050.... the 470 has a launch date of tomorrow....