Asus ROG error Q codes with or without XMP but double post WITH XMP! Additionally . Are codes always bad?


Feb 5, 2015
My PC specs:

maximus x hero
Domintor platinum 3200 2 x 8 GB (16GB)
Evga supernova g2 750w
H150i pro rgb AIO cooler
570x crystal case
1070 evga ftw.

So i wish to try run my ram which is rated at the above speeds @XMP lower for compatibility/stability reasons. Seen if i can without double post.

If XMP is set i get error codes and posts twice if no xmp but default then i still get error codes but not double posts! ( not sure if this means ram is not compatible or specifically these kits -had the same model twice do not work well in my system)

Error codes: 16 25 4f 27 4C 32 50 37

Most longest code is error code 32 twice! I mean cpu led comes on and then dram then cpu quickly then dram for a couple of secs code 32 each time on dram led set.

How to do it ? I don't see a clear step by step guide and i am willing to search further however it does not seem clear enough for me.

So for e.g. XMP will run it at 3200 -1.35v up .15v from 1.2v and the timings for my particular RAM sticks are 16-18-18-36.

My trouble is. How to run it like any of you would safely!

Would you after choosing say 3000 instead of 3200 XMP, lower the voltage somewhere inbetween 1.2 and 1.35v & what would one do with the timings i hear terms such as tighten them or loose them... tighten i think means the numbers lower and loosen means they should be made higher....

How will I know if need be to change such things if that is the case....

I am asking all this because i killed my WHOLE system before doing a change just trying to set at 3000.

This is all RMA'd parts.

I would like to simply enable 3200mhz which doesn't give any problems i don't in OS environment but does give a double post issue- I lowered VCCIO VCCIA to atop this but still get error codes which I cannot know are telling what the problems could be...

One last thing beside this....

Am I being too paranoid ?

I killed my WHOLE system after all the.

Anyway i did try lower speed myself before but still i get many error codes most of which appear quick but the most stable code when DRAM led is lit is code 32.

I don't want to play around with voltages and kill anything.

Question from Apparent : "3 8700k's 2 x hero boards 2 sets of same RAM...same issue???"

Kindly i ask Please no 1 time answer.
if you cannot work with me I would appreciate it if you have precedence to somebody who can, respectfully i don't want further delay only for another person to think I am being helped when I am not thanks.


8700k ( 3rd one)
X hero (2nd BOARD)
DPlatinum RAM (CMD16GX4M2B3200C16)
(2nd PAIR)
EVGA 750g2 supernova H150i pro rgb AIO
Evga 1070 ftw
Latest bios updated

Also for testing:
AX 760 working fully working PSU

Titan x maxwell fully working.

Firstly thank you for your help, sincere reader. I respect your time to help me.

Hope somebody specialising in RAM motherboards/compatabity can address this

I have had to create many threads & not getting a definitive solution on this one. So i will be detailed and specific to save time in long run ,hopefully you have a clear picture.

Asus error codes i understand are diagnostic codes, some of which indicate posting processes,
Some indicating potential errors in the system.

I have an issue with posting
As i mentioned and to reiterate 3 8700ks, 2 maximus x hero boards and 2 sets of the same RAM.

The issue is.

On posting (i will detail as much as I can to make clear.) I see the boot led ( green) then immediately cpu led then DRAM Led, then again cpu led and dram led again after which the system will post and everything is fine.

The codes are as such
20, 25 , 4f 16 27 4C 32 37 50... and others towards the end of post.

The issue i want to address is each time it lands on dram led i get the code 32 for up to 3 secs before moving on & if your'e following that is twice. All of this is at default cleared cmos factory settings etc.

If I enable XMP It will produce same issue
Additonally it will double post , so power on restarts after 2 secs then on again which can be resolved if i lower my VCCIO voltage.

I look into voltages and see dram settings xmp timings/voltage is correctly applied at 1.35v BUT VCCIO is raised quite high at 1.34v
VCCIA is applied lower by some degree at 1.18v

I know that some "weak" IMC's may cause the motherboard to apply higher voltages for stability, ok then how can EVERY SINGLE reading i see XMP or not is a replicant of the same board voltages i had previously had....EXACT same.

Does this mean it MUST be the RAM incompatible....I would have thought it should run...unless weak memory controller and therefore upping some voltages but by that fact of having same motherboard and RAM again it's doing the same thing...???.
I would expect the motherboard to to exact same voltages on ALL 3 Cpu's nearly forgot to mention that too on these boards.

Does that not answer itself that it is a problem with compatability rather than any fault. Could it be all these bioses for this RAM are strange ? Or the microcode patches. I have being doing this since November last year with whatever bios that shipped with.

In the OS environment it seems fine.

Anyone give me exact details on why this might be happening, how likely this can be normal for motherboard to keep playing like this and can you prove it is normal.
I destroyed my second system btw just for trying 3000mhz and the system died i tried again with this system i and know why I think that happened.
I quickly was able to get into bios and see it applied 1.5v to dram voltage LOL.
Motherboard was dead and cpu dram affected.