[SOLVED] Asus ROG Zenith II Extreme Alpha I may have a Combo Meal Brick - DEAD

Mar 3, 2022
Let's start off by saying I did this 100%. I've been building since 3DFX was producing Voodoo cards in Richardson, Texas. I've been known to build stupid stuff and ridiculous things.

I'm in the middle of a huge mod project. This is a VR machine; 3 gen Threadripper CPU, Zenith II Alpha Extreme, a pair of 6900XT LC one Top and one OC that are heavily modded. and lastly, there was a Thermaltake 1500w Gold Plus 80. The other stuff isn't important. Putting juice to it the other day everything was fine. I saw a small flaw in the cooling system that wasn't optimal (good word for OCD). Upon completion of the adjustment, I powered the board back on, and BANG. Everyone knows that burnt smell. To my horror, I'd pinched a 12v line on the (wait for it) 24 pin EATX cable during reassembly. Hoping for the best, I purchased ROG Thor 1200w as the replacement.

I completely tore the build down (OCD again) and started the reassembly process. Board the build as you go right? Motherboard, CPU, OC Card one stick of ram, and of course cooling. All I have when the system has power is the BIOS light under the CPU glowing a nice shade of Orange. Ideas or Thoughts on this? Or should I just get the ole credit card out again? I have researched for quite a while to find a solution, and all roads lead to the same place. Thank you for your help and feel free to laugh all you like, once my wife sees the charge on the card I'm a dead man walking anyway. Be Safe
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

You might want to take a couple of pictures of the board around the 24pin main connector and parse them here(after hosting the images on a site like Imgur or their ilk). Chances are that the power delivery area is comprised and you can replace a burnt component. Worst case is that the entire board needs replacement, either by RMA or a new one.

I've been careful when it comes to modding, sleeving and even cabalemanaging. Often times the OCD can take you so far that you end up killing your entire project.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

You might want to take a couple of pictures of the board around the 24pin main connector and parse them here(after hosting the images on a site like Imgur or their ilk). Chances are that the power delivery area is comprised and you can replace a burnt component. Worst case is that the entire board needs replacement, either by RMA or a new one.

I've been careful when it comes to modding, sleeving and even cabalemanaging. Often times the OCD can take you so far that you end up killing your entire project.
OCD is my life. It's the square peg theory that often turns into Murphies Law. Add to that ADHD, and you have a quick recipe for disaster. 60 years I've lived with it, and while I get back on topic, thank you for the advice.

I pieced an X399 together with almighty 33 error, which came by Candybar Express and a grandchild fascinated with buttons and slots.

Anyway, one of my boys is inspecting the board and is looking it over. I found a popped diode, and that's it. I was shocked after turning it into a frisbee (the ADHD part). The power supplied is toasted, which is a no-brainer. In good faith, I can't RMA the board. I have a problem with fibbing; Automotive, for 40 plus years and lied to daily.

Thank you again for the advice and for reaching out. I have pictures and will post them once the college boy figures it out for the old man.