Asus Router port forwarding not working


Feb 18, 2017
Hey guys!
i want to create an Unturned server for my classmates, they want to play on it,
now the servers works and everything, but my router just does NOT want to open the ports!
i tried almost everything,
firewall does not work
custom merlin firmware does not work
pc firewall does not work
static ip does not work
UPNP is on
security off or on does not matter, it still does not work.
rebooting the router does not work
resetting the router does not work
i have an ubee router in bridge mode so it can go to my Asus AC-3200 router
the weird thing is, i tried this before with an minecraft server and it did not work, later i installed instead of windows 10 windows 8.1 on my server pc
that worked and still works for the minecraft server, the minecraft server ports work!
i can join the unturned server so its not the server itself.
but i portforwarded the unturned ports and used the ports in the server config and it just does not work.
someone knows the problem???
thanks for the help!

Hi sniper,

Here are a couple of things to try:

Use a port testing website to see if the port is opened. This way you can narrow down the troubleshooting

Also, make sure you are using your PUBLIC IP address when connecting. 192.168..... is a private address and can't be accessed publicly. To find your public IP, here is a link:

Hope this helps!
Hey, i already used an open port checker but thanks, and i was using a public ip, but in the port forwardinf interface you need to type the ip4 adress from the computer you are hosting the website from, and i tried to leave the server on for w whole night, when i saw the console in the morning i saw that 8 people joined did some commqnds and left! i thought the ports where open but when i tested them they where closed, the ports must have been open for a little time in the night! but thank you and i hope you have some more solitions! :)

That's definitely weird that they would be temporarily open in the night. If you know the people who connected to the server, it would probably be a good idea to ask them how they connected. Maybe they were doing something differently. Other than that its hard to say. Unless there is something in the firewall that is stopping ports from being accessible.

Sorry i'm not a huge help here, i'm not quite sure where to go next with this. Will be interested to see what others think!
hey thanks for your reply! now it is been alot weirder!
now i can join the server and other people can! but still open port checker says the port is closed!?? wtf?!!!
i connected the server as the same port as the open port checker and the ports i have port forwarded!
this is so weird, today alot of people joined! the server even went full. weird!

That's good its working though! I wouldn't worry about the open port checker if people can connect to the server. That's the main thing! Glad its working!

thanks 😉


thanks 😉