I replaced a dead router with an ac56u three days ago. It has the latest firmware and I've made very few changes in the settings. It has the same sysid for both bands.
After my wife began complaining of poor internet performance on her laptop, I put Ping Plotter on three computers. One is on the wired connection; two are wireless. After 12 hours, both the wireless-connected PCs are showing many packet losses. What's weird is I've also been watching Netflix on a wireless (XBOX 360) connection and there haven't been any interruptions. (Maybe the Netflix app buffers ahead so the wireless dropping is smoothed out in some way? I don't know.)
I'm not very techy when it comes to networking problems. Is this a known problem with this router? Should I return it? (I thought it had an excellent reputation.) Or how you would you start troubleshooting?
After my wife began complaining of poor internet performance on her laptop, I put Ping Plotter on three computers. One is on the wired connection; two are wireless. After 12 hours, both the wireless-connected PCs are showing many packet losses. What's weird is I've also been watching Netflix on a wireless (XBOX 360) connection and there haven't been any interruptions. (Maybe the Netflix app buffers ahead so the wireless dropping is smoothed out in some way? I don't know.)
I'm not very techy when it comes to networking problems. Is this a known problem with this router? Should I return it? (I thought it had an excellent reputation.) Or how you would you start troubleshooting?