Asus Strix 1080ti freezes

Jan 4, 2019
Asus GTX 1080ti randomly freezes at around 60 Degree, and closes Program and returns to Windows.
What could be wrong with the card?
Everything in my system is good.

And I tried to underclock it to Stock Founders Editon.

Okay. I will be buying a new ssd anyways, so I have to reinstall the drivers. What I am more concered about, is getting my data moved.
Is there a good way for that?

Oh and I thought maybe thr VRM's are getting to hot, might that be the issue?


Daisy Chained. As I cant find another PCI Cable

That's likely the issue.

Contact Corsair and get another one.

I'll give it a shot.


Those high end GTX 1080Ti pull a lot of power, well over 300W easy.

I know because I have a EVGA GTX 1080Ti FTW3, and believe me they are no joke.

So with 100% Fan Usage, I got the same error, but a hit delayed.
Now I opened the card up, to see if theres anything wrong.

Looks like the Thermal Paste is all over it, is that normal?

Another thing I found out, the GPU Labeling managed to grave in on the cooler.
Is that normal?