Asus strix gtx 960 oc2 help


Apr 19, 2015
Hey yall . I just purchased the Asus strix gtx 960 oc2 . I have been doing some research about how many watts I need on my pcu . I currently have a 350w psu .I'm trying to find out what the requirement for the strix version of the 960 would be. I seen a lot of people saying 350w . I went on the Nvidia website but can't find no info on the strix version and just the regular 960 says 400w. All I just need to know is the watts I need for the card I have mentioned. Sorry yall this is my first video card Purchase And don't know how to do the conversions or any of that stuff but I'm trying to learn . On a side note I purchased a 650w psu that fits in my case perfectly just incase my psu can't handle it .
What 650W do you have?
Since you already bought the 650W use it. I wouldn't risk a GTX 960 on a 350W.
The card itself can draw an average 125 Watts. You would need to factor in the other pc parts you have as well.
But I was just wondering the minimum psu requirement if anyone knew for that card . I am going to try it first on my 350 watt Psu since I heard a few people with the same computer as mine had the same model gtx working . I have a Dell xps studio 8100 with i7 870 2.93 gHz . I'm replacing a 5700 HD