Asus Tablet Does Honeycomb, Glasses-Free 3D

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is that borat? but seriously, the just too big tablet to stick in your pocket to the just too small phone would get really really annoying very quickly.
If this was like $100 without the expensive IPS screen and 3D i would buy it, not use it outside the house. It would be good as a remote for tv/pvr/home automation,remote desktop, video streaming to see who is at the door,email,browsing and music streaming around the house.
I know thats not actually mainstream but still.
The size is just inconveniently wrong. Too small to be a practical pad (if there is such a thing) and too big to be anything pocket-able.
Hey, it looks like Asus is trying to resurrect PDA form-factor... lol =) That's actually really nice, I'd get one if I wanted a tablet. Not as huge as a tablet, not as tiny as a regular phone... perfect. But $500 to $700? No way.
The one thing I think that isn't needed on this is the 3D screen. It's too small for enjoyment of 3D content on it. On a 10.1" or larger size screen, sure. Not on a 7"'s a feature that's in the wrong market, screen size-wise. A nice, high quality normal IPS screen is just fine for something like this. The rest of it is awesome though. Love the inclusion of the capacitive stylus. I am really looking for a good 7" tablet that has pen capability so I can take notes.
Thats one issue with tablets, if you cant bring your laptop then you cant bring a tablet either, so why spend $600 of a tablet when you can get a laptop with like 100 times the performance and functionality for for less money?, and If you need a mobile device then get one of those mini android tablets that have around 4 inch screens

@razor512 -- a 4 inch screen? My Droid X has a larger screen than that. A 7" screen is a perfect size for a small portable tablet. It can't replace a 10.1" tablet, which I think is more for entertainment. But for a "work" tablet with pen support, I think a 7" or 8" tablet is a good size.
Cool tablet from Asus but is expensive at this price range, and for the 3D screen I don’t see its benefit at least for me.
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