Asus Teams Up With Garmin for Smartphone

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Well, I guess the one good thing about having the phone mounted on the windshield like a regular GPS is that it might just discourage people from talking on it while driving.
I love my storm but i also love my garmin (Kenwood 7100 deck.) Putting both together would almost be worth using at&t or t mobiles usless services. It would be worth paying full price for i think. I wont say for sure untill i see a RC model of the beta.
Asus and Garmin? Two of my favorite companies!

I don't care if
[...]the two companies will show us something we haven’t seen before[...]
, at least it won't be an apple product. My only hope is that they don't limit it to certain carriers. What's up with that anyway, why limit your customer base like that? The only thing I have to say to AT&T is ATH.
all phone companys do that and carriers. Only now that the phones are actualy worth talking about people are taking notice and yes now it is rather annoying. I suspect sometime soon someone will get pissed somewhere sue someone and it will start to change to a more free market.
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