So, my apologies if this isn't the most neat and tidy post, it's my first time on the site. Long story short, my laptop ( ) has been losing performance over the years, I know they aren't the best specs ever, but they shouldn't be as bad, as they are now. For example, I used to be able to run DOOM 2016 on all ultra settings with very rare stuttering, and now I can barely run the game on medium-high with lot's of stuttering here and there. All I've done to this laptop is open it once to reapply thermal paste, reopen it again to correct my shoddy job with said thermal paste, open it thrice to add another 8 gigabytes of RAM that I checked was the same type as the 8 already installed in it, and finally open it a final time to add a 1TB M.2 SSD. I'm not sure what you all need from me, so just let me know what info you need me to gather, and I'll try my best. Thank you for reading this!