Woo! First comment! No, but seriously, it's about time partner boards with custom PCB's and cooling designs show up. Maybe now there won't be any over heating issues as with reference designs and the cards will actually run at their intended clock speeds. This will in turn give the 780 TI a good run for its money and in all likeliness, surpass it on some occasions. I am still also anxious to see what Mantle will do for us in BF4 performance wise, and of course if all goes well, then we ought to see more developers jump onboard that bandwagon. I hate to say it, but I think Nvidia has some big shoes to fill. I know that I will start a fanboy war here, but I'm trying to speak objectively. Nvidia has phenomenal cooling designs, great power usage, and overall has always been an edge up performance wise, but I'm not quite certain one can justify an extra $150 for a few frames faster in games when and if these new custom coolers for the Hawaii GPU's live up to their names like that have in past iterations such as DCU II, Windforce, Matrix, Toxic, etc..Good work AMD and ASUS. Keep up the good work!