Asus V7100 Deluxe Combo



I am really thinking 'bout buying this card to replace my old Voodoo3 2000. My question is this, how good is the tv capture card?? as in quality and stuff?? is it better than the Radeon All-n-wonder, not in terms of speed and graphics, cuz the radeon will leave the Asus card in the dust, but is the tv quality better than the asus???

Thanks for any reply...

T-Bird 1ghz 266fsb
Iwill kk266
Voodoo3 2000 PCI


Apr 10, 2001
The AIW is a better choice, if you are not interested in high speeds, because it has a ton more features. IF you plan to watch TV, movies or DVDs, its features are more impressive, as you can pause live TV, and send out a digital signal to a Digital decoder or Receiver. The AIW also comes with a nice software package and the ATI people have a lot of experience since they have been making the AIW for years now. If you are interested in speed and gaming, look at the ASUS, if you are more interested in the features, look at the AIW.

If it works for you then don't fix it.