ASUS VG248QE or Asus PA248Q

The 2nd one is 144hz and 3D Vision 2 capable (with 3D kit). Using a little trick, you can have near 0 motion blur when gaming and smooth responsive game play. The 1st one is good for desktop stuff, as the IPS screen has better colors and less color shift.

For programing, #1, for gaming #2.
I will mainly be programming on my computer. Gaming will be casual and I'm using an old 60 hertz screen at the moment and I'm fine with it. Are the 144 Hz really making that big of a difference?
No. There will be differences in them. So if you were to move windows around and they look slightly different, it can be annoying. That's not to say that the same brand monitors will display exactly the same, but they won't be far off.

#2 can be used both for programming and gaming. I fail to see how "better colors" and "less color shifts" have any advantages in programming.

I'm not saying it gives you an advantage while programming, only it would look a little better while programming.

It never effected my programming either, but that is not the point. If you spend hours programming, it is nice to have the best picture possible. Not that I'm familiar with IPS screens. I have a 120hz 3D Vision TN monitor.

What ever dude. Gaming is pointless. High graphics is pointless. All nice things are pointless, we get them because they are nice to have.

If he primarily codes, and only occasionally games, the IPS screen is likely the better choice for him. The cost difference is $50. I already mentioned for gaming purposes, the 144hz monitor is likely better.
I would personally recommend getting one of each.
Yes, getting two of the same would look best for symmetry and OCD purposes, but I have two different ones myself and I think it's great. I have one primarily for xbox and pc gaming ( VN247H-P) and one for everything else ( PB238Q). It's very useful!