Asus vs247h-p vs 248h-p

There's actually no real difference at all. They're both basically the same monitor.
Go for the cheaper one at the time because the prices seem to jump back and forth.

I personally own a VS247H-P and I LOVE it.

You could look at the differences here, they're really minor:
There's actually no real difference at all. They're both basically the same monitor.
Go for the cheaper one at the time because the prices seem to jump back and forth.

I personally own a VS247H-P and I LOVE it.

You could look at the differences here, they're really minor:
The 248 inch has slightly better colors and is being produced to take pace of the 247, they are selling the rest of the 247's and discontinuing them. That's my 2 cents on the situation. Both of these monitors are great for the price point and the $10 just gets you the extra half inch and a little more brightness.