ASUS?? What about the cool features in Gigabyte??


Dec 15, 2005
Hi guys..

First a big thanks for u guys for all the support.
I'm looking for a motherboard for AMD64 and reviews say Asus is better than GB.
But what about all the features in GB 8Sigma series like Easy Tune, Memory Intelligence Boost (MIB), Motherboard Intelligent tweaker (MIT) and those stuff..
They seem to give good performance and Ididnt see Asus have that kinda stuff.. I'm not a computer hardare gene so might sound stupid, but you guys think those features of GB will not match with Asus?

Thanks fellas...

Best regards,


Gigabyte has always made a good quality product. There has been some concern about the capacitors that they have used lately, but not much.
I'm not too thrilled with thier bios setup, but that's not that big a thing.
As far as the features you mentioned, they are an imitation of Abit's u-guru. I prefer the original.
Asus get's a lot more press than anyone else because they are the largest producer, by a good margin. That doesn't mean that they make the best boards, just more.
IMNSHO gigabyte boards are on par with Asus boards, but much more realisticly priced. For enthusiasts, there are better board makers. My preference in order would be Abit, DFI, Epox, Gigabyte, then Asus.