Asus X550C Laptop screen upgradable?

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Jan 9, 2015
Hi there folks.

I just wanted to start by saying I am a recent convert from mac so be gentile with me if I am asking seemingly silly questions. xD

Basically I got an asus X550C laptop and for the most part am pretty happy with it. apart from one thing. The screen is poop. Read this about this model beforehand and thought for the price I would risk it and see how it goes.

But yes, as i say. It would be pretty great if I could find some way of upgrading this screen. I have had a quick look around and not found much in the ways of upgrade, mostly replacement for same screen.

As I say I am new to this so sorry if this seems like a stupid question but yeah any info would be greatly appreciated.

BTW running on:

CPU i7 3537U 2ghz
GraphicsCard GT 720M
Well, I'm not well versed in this, but I would imagine you have to find one that is the same size and uses the same type of connection as the current display.

You should also Google "replacing laptop screen" and check out some guides to see if they can provide you some insight.

Still can't, if you do a Google search for "replacing laptop screen", you will only be able to replace the screen on your laptop with one that's identical. Any after market modding of the display or the casing, especially something that doesn't match the factory specifications, would be warranty-voiding, I would think.
Let me make myself more clear. Those guides won't be exact to how you would replace your specific laptop's screen, but rather provide insight on how to go about replacing a laptop screen in general.

OP wants to upgrade a screen, not replace it. Replacing it is possible, upgrading or altering the existing one is not.

Because the screen that's made for that laptop is made specifically to work with that laptop. If you take the screen or motherboard out of that laptop, it will not work in another one. Laptop parts can't really be upgraded or changed out as easily the way desktop parts can. And that's especially true of ultra books and touch screen based laptops like the model that the OP is using. On some of the higher end models you can change out the CPU and optical drive, but really on just about every laptop the only parts that can be upgraded or replaced are optical, hard drive(s), RAM, and CPU in some instances. You cannot however alter the display or the casing. But on midrange and lower end models, the only things you can replace on a laptop is the RAM and hard drive(s). If you take the display out of the laptop, or you use a non-Asus authorized display you could potentially run into issues that would result in your warranty being voided. On mid range and lower end laptops the warranty usually only covers the parts that are included by the manufacturer.

Technically possible yes, but like I said on laptops and especially ultra books and touch screen laptops it's not really doable since that screen is made specifically for that casing. But yeah it's not really viable.
Hi guys I'm just interested if NVIDIA GeForce 720M on the laptop (which I own 2) can be replaced with some better videocard. And will that increase games quality, will the existing CPU (Intel i5-3337U) be enough for the new videocard?
Just wanting to increase some gaming experience for my internet pc. thx in advance
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