Asus x550z Upgrade GPU?

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Aug 2, 2014
Hey guys.

My girlfriend and i was looking for a new laptop for her.
We found a Asus x550z, and since i know nothing about AMD i asked the salesman, and he assured me it could play stuff like Sims 4 and GTA V.

The thing is, It runs Sims 4 just fine, but GTA V? It pukes when we open it lol.

Then i ran Speccy and saw 2 things:

1: The CPU Temp is around 100 Degrees? Is that normal?

2: It had 2 GPUS built in. a R5 something and a R6/7 ( Cant really remember, and shes not home. Ill post the specifics later today)

My questions are the following:
Are the heat temps normal, or can we do something? Should we return the laptop? Its 8 months old i think.

And is it possible to replace one of the gpus, since its not a on-board gpu?

IF so, what should we get for her, and where can we buy it? :b
We're from Europe, more specifically Denmark, but if its within the EU its fine.

Thanks in advance.
It'll be an APU, with a secondary 'discrete' card, you might be able to get them to work together.
No you can't change the 'discrete' card, or rather you'll have brought one of the 0.1% of laptops models that can if you were lucky, but they are normally at the upper end of the laptop spectrum.
100C is not good, it's too hot IMO, but laptops run at the edge of thermal capacity which is why gaming on them (long periods of high activity levels) is not a great idea. It's not an AMD thing, it's a laptop issue in general for a gaming laptop i'd not be expecting change from £1300-1500, for a laptop that can game with limitations £1000.
You also were not lucky enough to buy something with thunderbolt, so you can't use an external GPU...

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
Those temps are really bad. However did you try to play the game with the system plugged in?

The best GPU that PC has is an R7 270M, which is not very powerful, did you try setting the details down low?

While the GPU is separate, replacing it isn't so simple, those aren't sold in stores that you can just buy, and very likely you are stuck with it (there are "solutions" but they aren't laptop or wallet friendly).
It'll be an APU, with a secondary 'discrete' card, you might be able to get them to work together.
No you can't change the 'discrete' card, or rather you'll have brought one of the 0.1% of laptops models that can if you were lucky, but they are normally at the upper end of the laptop spectrum.
100C is not good, it's too hot IMO, but laptops run at the edge of thermal capacity which is why gaming on them (long periods of high activity levels) is not a great idea. It's not an AMD thing, it's a laptop issue in general for a gaming laptop i'd not be expecting change from £1300-1500, for a laptop that can game with limitations £1000.
You also were not lucky enough to buy something with thunderbolt, so you can't use an external GPU.
Sorry, but you've got nowhere to go. Gaming is hard from a computing standpoint, requires a lot of effort and generates a lot of heat, it has to go somewhere. It also requires expensive components... laptops are already using expensive stuff to keep it small.


Aug 2, 2014
Guess shes unlucky then. Thought about the external gpu thing actually, that way i would have a projekt to work on myself.

Well, the temps are while the pc is plugged in, and was measured while it was downloading gta, so nothing heavy.
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