ASUS X555U starts but only circular busy sign appears?

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Mar 5, 2017
When ASUS X555U laptop is turned on, there are 3 LEDs lighted up: Power Light, Battery Light, & Hard Disk Light. The screen only displays the ASUS Logo & a circular busy symbol just goes round & round.

The battery is not removable & there is no hole for a pin to Reset.

Please help. What should I do?
Question from Yeltres : "ASUS X555U powers up but only blank black screen"

ASUS Laptop X555U has 3 LED lights on upon power up. There's Power Light, Battery Light, & Hard Disk Light.

But the screen only didplays the ASUS Logo & a circular busy symbol that just keeps on circling around.

Battery is not removable & there's no hole to insert pin for Reset.

Please help! What should I do?!?
Note: If this problem started after an update (or system reinstall), please make sure the laptop is not connected to the internet in any way before you use the following instructions.

Try the following...

1. Power off the laptop.
2. Power on the laptop.
3. As soon as you see the rotating loading circle, press and hold the Power Button until the computer shuts off.
4. Repeat this process a few times until you see the "Preparing Automatic Repair" screen.
5. Now you want to let the laptop boot to the "Automatic Repair" screen.
6. Click "Advanced Options" and then select "Troubleshoot".
7. Here you want to select "Refresh your PC", if you do not wish to erase data, or "Reset your PC" to erase all data and restore your system.
8. From here just follow the screen instructions until the recovery is completed.

NOTE: You will need to get into the "Advanced Options" in order to get the "Refresh Option". This choice will keep your data, but any programs installed will be lost.

Do not do a "Reset" as that will wipe all data you have on the laptop.
The solutiion of pressing the Power Button on & off until "Automatic Repair" was very promising. I tried it including the Advanced Option of Reseting the laptop but keeping data files. I was then told that Windows will be reinstalled without affecting others. But during the Installation, it stopped after 6% and then showed the remark, "There was a problem resetting your PC. No changes were made."

So instead, I tried Start Up Repair option. But it also didn't work. It said, "Start Up Repair couldn't fix your PC. Log C:Windows/System32/Logfiles/Srt/SrtTrails.txt.

So again I tried another option which is System Restore. Unfortunately, it said, "Could not find offline boot volume".

I really thought one of these things would work when "Automatic Repair" menu appeared for the first time after pressing the Power Button On & Off as instructed. But alas, I was just prompted with an option to either go back to Advanced Options or simply Power Down the laptop. I chose the latter.

THANKS for the initial solution that I really believed was going to resolve it. Any other additional advise on solutions to my laptop's problem?
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