ASUS X99-E only recognizes 3 out of 4 RAM sticks


Oct 26, 2016
I'd like to start of by saying that I'm from Sweden, and not the US.

4x4GB Crucial Ballistix Tactical DDR 2666 MHz
Intel i7-5820K
Corsair HX750i 750W
AMD RX 470

So it all started when I first finished the PC, when the BIOS would only recognize 2 out 4 RAM sticks. I can't remember exactly which ones of the slots which were working. Either way, I tested every possible combination and there were always only 2 ram slots working. When testing each ram in a single slot one at a time, they worked fine, so there is probably nothing wrong with the RAM. I did an RMA and the company checked the motherboard, and there were no faults with the motherboard according to them.

I got the motherboard back, and now is where the weird starts. I updated the BIOS, and now the motherboard would recognize 3 out 4 of the RAM sticks, A1, B1 and C1. This didn't happen before. D1 was still not being recognized. If I put the sticks in one at a time, in A1, B1 and C1, they all work fine. However, when I try putting only one stick in D1, I get the light for DRAM-failure. I have tried putting every stick in D1. I have checked the pins and made sure there is no visible damage to the CPU. Everything looks fine. I'm going crazy trying to figure out what might be wrong.

Suggestions greatly appreciated.


The DRAM have the model # "blt2c4g4d26afta". They are not officially supported by Asus, but could this really cause my problems? Since it's always the D1 slot that isn't working, and all sticks work in singular in slots A1, B1 and C1.
No OC. The CPU cooler is a Cooler Master 212X.
Tried that, no luck. I also went out and bought 4 ram sticks from Asus QVL. Slot D1 still isn't working. What could be the issue? As I said, I already did an RMA on the motherboard and they said that it worked as it should.