Asus X99 taking 10-20 mins on splash screen


Sep 5, 2011
My mobo has had some over clock failed alerts. And now it takes 10-20 minutes just to boot past ASUS splash screen. I have reset the very modest OC and everything is left on stock / auto. OC was on 4ghz up from 3.5 by using Asus tune present on the mobo.

Memcheck passes just fine. So are all tests in windows.

Asus x99
I7 5930K
64gb DDR 4 2400mhz
GTX 980 Ti
Watercooled Corsair
1050w psu

Everything is working once booted to Windows.
Nevermind. I remembered i had forgotten to install any proper Asus drivers during my latest reinstall of Windows recently. And there i found that Windows Update from january/february 2018 has wreaked havoc on the power save settings. So thats probably why my machine would not shut down Windows. Now its updated, and i updated BIOS as well, as it has added several tweaks to DRAM stability over the past revisions. So now the machine is up and running, booting fast, and shutting down properly. Thanks for the archives that i could search and read, Tomshardware!
Nevermind. I remembered i had forgotten to install any proper Asus drivers during my latest reinstall of Windows recently. And there i found that Windows Update from january/february 2018 has wreaked havoc on the power save settings. So thats probably why my machine would not shut down Windows. Now its updated, and i updated BIOS as well, as it has added several tweaks to DRAM stability over the past revisions. So now the machine is up and running, booting fast, and shutting down properly. Thanks for the archives that i could search and read, Tomshardware!