ASUS XT205 : missing key for gwbasic in dosbox (break or scroll lock required)

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May 25, 2016
ASUS XT205 : missing key
ASUS XT205 : dosbox requires ctrl+break or ctrl+scroll lock to suspend gwbasic .How to proceed since there is neither key : break or scroll lock ?

Please do try these troubleshooting steps that may help.
- First is to uninstall/reinstall the keyboard driver.
- Go to Device Manager and uninstall the keyboard driver.
- Once uninstalled, reboot your laptop and it should reinstall the driver automatically.
- Do test it again after the reboot.
- If it will still not work connect an external USB keyboard and see if it will work or not.
- If you don't have a USB keyboard do try using the onscreen keyboard and see if it will work or not.
- If the onscreen keyboard or the USB keyboard will work that could mean that the problem is the built in keyboard.
- Before replacing it do check the ribbon cable that connects the keyboard to the motherboard.
- If all these will not work then replacing the keyboard would be the only option.
- If the laptop is still under the factory warranty do contact ASUS for a repair.


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