ASUS Z170-E No internet


Dec 25, 2012
New build. Installed windows 10 with no issues. Hardwired ethernet with nothing. No ethernet adapter on network connections. Installed LAN and chipset drivers off asus website. Ethernet adapter picks up but limited connectivity. Check ethernet cable. Works fine on ps3. Windows Trouble shooter cant find a problem. Reboot and still nothing. Uninstalled LAN drivers and used the one off the mobo disk and no adapter showing up at all. Reboot. Still nothing. Uninstalled the mobo disk drivers and reinstalled LAN drivers from asus website. Still limited unidentified. Updated bios to 2202. Still nothing

Checked another post and it said to set csm-network to ignore under bios but that was for a Z170-a mobo. Doesn't have this setting on mine.


MOBO - Asus Z170-E
CPU - I5 6600k
RAM - HyperX 2x4Gb 2133mhz
HDD - WD Blue 1TB
PSU - Corsair 600W Bronze
Well, try to boot up in safe mode with networking. We can isolate if it is a hardware or software issue. Also open up command prompt, and type ipconfig /all and paste the results here (try to save to a usb). Are you connected thru a router or directly to the modem?
Hardwired to a century link gateway

Windows Ip Config
Hostname -
Primary DNS Suffix - Blank field
Node Type - Hybrid
Ip Routing Enabled - No
Wins Proxy enabled - No

Ethernet Adapter Ethernet:

Media State - Disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix - Blank field
Description - Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-v
Physical Address - *I left this out*
DHCP Enabled - Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled - Yes

Went to Safe mode with networking - still no internet - This time it shows a red X and unidentified network over limited connection symbol

Windows Ip Config
Hostname -
Primary DNS Suffix - Blank field
Node Type - Hybrid
Ip Routing Enabled - No
Wins Proxy enabled - No

Ethernet Adapter Ethernet:

Media State - Disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix - Blank field
Description - Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-v
Physical Address - *I left this out*
DHCP Enabled - Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled - Yes
link-local IPv6 Address -
Autoconfiguration IPV4 Address
Subnet mask -
Default Gateway - blank field
DHCPv6 Client DUID
DNS Server - Theres 3 of them
NetBios over TCPIP - enabled