Asus z170 Pro gaming Suddenly wont boot.


Dec 25, 2017
So today my desktop wouldnt boot. Power button does nothing. All LEDs on the Motherboard are working.
I left the desktop running when i went to bed last night, and it was off when i woke up this morning.
I have had the computer about a year allready, and never had an issue, at least not hardware-related.

I have tried removing both of the RAM sticks, (one at a time) but still no response.
I also tried switching the Reset/power switch as well as jumpstarting the powerswitch pins, still Notting. I would appreciate any help or tips on the matter.

Some specs:

Motherboard: Asus z170 Pro gaming

GPU: Asus Gforce GTX 1070 Turbo

CPU: Intel core i5-6600k Skylake, with CoolerMaster Hyper 3XTI Cpu-cooler

RAM : Kingston valueram DDR4-2133mhz. 16Gig

PSU: Corsair CX650. 650W

Mind, i have a 5-6/10 understaning of the subject, so pls dont Get all too technical.

I’ll provide additional specs or details if needed.


Well, you already did things like moving RAM around, so trying different PSU is not going to change anything. Just make sure you connect all cables same way when using second PSU, and also VERY IMPORTANT use cables that come with second PSU...
try clearing the cmos. see if there was a spike or over heat and the mb shut down for safty. if some mb do they wont post till the cmos is cleared. if there still no post. pull the gpu and use one ram stick. if there no post sound like yoour power supply lost a leg.

I have one from my old desktop somwhere. Was hoping i wouldnt have to change it, but beggars can’t be choosers, i guess

Noobmode here, but i have no idea what cmos are/is?


So i tried jumping the CMOS (clrtc is what the manual called it) but still no response. I have another PSU available ( a 620W) will this be enough to power my desktop? I don’t know if I want to attempt switching it, because i don’t know if it’ll screw up my warranty. ( i ordered parts individually, but the desktop was built by the company) I want to try switching PSU to save time, as sending it in for repairs could take well over a month, but then again, i don’t know about the warranty...

Well, you already did things like moving RAM around, so trying different PSU is not going to change anything. Just make sure you connect all cables same way when using second PSU, and also VERY IMPORTANT use cables that come with second PSU when swapping them - don't use CXm cables with your other PSU.
620 W unit should be absolutely enough to at least turn machine on - without knowing model, can't say if it's enough to actually allow gaming or other heavy load activity, but it should be enough to run Windows desktop.