i have an Asus Z87-A board with 16GB of RAM.
I wish to upgrade to 32GB. The m/b supports 32GB but it also says it's dual-channel, not quad-channel.
Most of the kits I've seen for 4x8GB state they are quad-channel, and don't state whether or not they'd work with dual-channel or my m/b specifically.
Are these different - i.e., do I have to buy 2 lots of 2x8GB dual-channel for it to work properly? Or can I just buy 1 lot of 4x8GB quad-channel ?
(I ask this because I cannot find 4x8GB dual channel) ???
For example, there's this:
But on manufacturers website, it's hard to tell whether it's compatible or not with my m/b ?
It also uses an XMP profile for the stats I want, rather than the Jedec. My current memory is CL9 but I don't have XMP currently on.
Are there possible problems when using XMP?
Then, there is the frequency... the m/b specs say 1600MHz - can I go beyond that or am I stuck at 1600?
Any help appreciated, thank you.
The reason I asked about XMP - please have a look at the spec sheet - http://www.kingston.com/datasheets/HX316C9SRK4_32.pdf
It was the difference on the timings that concerned me a bit between XMP and JEDEC
How does this memory compare with other reliable brands etc?
The PC is used for complex music production.
Thanks again.
i have an Asus Z87-A board with 16GB of RAM.
I wish to upgrade to 32GB. The m/b supports 32GB but it also says it's dual-channel, not quad-channel.
Most of the kits I've seen for 4x8GB state they are quad-channel, and don't state whether or not they'd work with dual-channel or my m/b specifically.
Are these different - i.e., do I have to buy 2 lots of 2x8GB dual-channel for it to work properly? Or can I just buy 1 lot of 4x8GB quad-channel ?
(I ask this because I cannot find 4x8GB dual channel) ???
For example, there's this:
But on manufacturers website, it's hard to tell whether it's compatible or not with my m/b ?
It also uses an XMP profile for the stats I want, rather than the Jedec. My current memory is CL9 but I don't have XMP currently on.
Are there possible problems when using XMP?
Then, there is the frequency... the m/b specs say 1600MHz - can I go beyond that or am I stuck at 1600?
Any help appreciated, thank you.
The reason I asked about XMP - please have a look at the spec sheet - http://www.kingston.com/datasheets/HX316C9SRK4_32.pdf
It was the difference on the timings that concerned me a bit between XMP and JEDEC
How does this memory compare with other reliable brands etc?
The PC is used for complex music production.
Thanks again.