Hello. My Asus Z87-A MotherBoard started to behave pretty strange after a BIOS update. I've updated it to 2103v. via EZ Flash with G3220 to make it compatible with my G3258 CPU. It didn't work so I have used update tool from fresh installed windows (via USB CDROM) and updated it using Windows. It worked, i replaced CPU to g3258 and tried to install new windows with my bootable pendrive (USB CDrom has gone, owner needed it 😉), but suddenly my PC stopped supporting USB devices the right way. Bootable pendrive with Win8.1 strucks (missing word- i am not sure if I should use "struck", I mean it don't want to pass the windows logo) even before installation beggins, linux displays kernel panic. I don't know what to do. If USB CDrom worked before update, then I have updated BIOS and USB devices are not working the right way, doesn't it mean that the new BIOS version is not stable? I didn't try USB drive again. I have no possibility 🙁
Which bios should I install to make sure that it will keep supporting my G3258 Haswell refresh CPU and I will not have to go and borrow g3220 once more?
Which bios should I install to make sure that it will keep supporting my G3258 Haswell refresh CPU and I will not have to go and borrow g3220 once more?