Asus Z87-Deluxe or Z97-A?

May 1, 2018
Hey guys I know these are a bit older but my current build goes as follows:
i7-4790k w/ corsair h100 gtx WC
Asus z97a
16gb g. Skill 1600 (8x2)
gtx 970 4gb
HyperX SSD 3K (non m2)
600w psu
Future upgrades
SLI gtx 970
Add 16gb ram
1000w psu

So here's my question would I benefit from switching to an Asus z87-deluxe or would that be a downgrade? Or would it be no difference given my planned upgrades? I use my PC to game mostly.

No reason just have one laying around now and it looks way cooler than my z97-a. Thanks for your input.