Asus Z87 Sabertooth won't boot


Nov 17, 2009
It will turn on and post but I can not get into the bios, F2 and delete no work. I moved my SSD with my OS on it windows 7 pro from my Asus X58 MB. 4 new sticks of PC 2400C10Q G-skill trident 16gb, 4770K CPU, GTX 680. All fans run and my keyboard lights up need help.

I get the Sabertooth logo and it tells me to hit f2 or delete for the BIOS. So should I disconnect the other to HD's' And boot up from the windows disk. I have moved other drives with the OS on them before with no problem.
I unplugged my corsair SSD 180gb and powered up SATA drive with out and OS and was able to get to the bios. So I installed windows on it but I goofed and did not do a custom install and windows did a 9.9 Gb partition for the boot drive. Will redo it on Monday with the help of my sun.
I formatted my SSD an trying to install windows 7 pro.

I formatted my SSD and trying to install windows 7 pro. I have the MB cd in the other drive, window dose not find any mass storage drivers, I have tried all the drivers from the chipset list with no luck am I in the wrong place for the drivers.
The AHCI controller on the MB is enabled.


First I would like to thank you for your help.
I put my OS on a SATA HD a 320 GB WD, now when I plug the power in to my other WD 320 and try to boot I get as far as the logo. And can not get into the BIOS unless I unplug it and re boot. I my BIOS I have the SATA enable as AHCI should I disable it or not. These are the same drives I had on my P6X58D-Premium, the corsair SSD controller was the Marvel. Monday I will get my corsair clone kit to put my OS on the SSD, so what am I doing wrong.

With the system running I pluged my SSD in and it sees it and loads the drivers. But when I reboot it starts to boot the restarts and the MB red led comes on. This was woking ok in my other computer, I asked Asus and they said to try the fast boot thats has been on maybe I should try it with out the fast boot.

A couple of things you can do/try:

1) When you get into UEFI, in the BOOT options menu, set USB to "Full Initial". This will initilize all USB devices during POST to BOOT at the expense of BOOT time. Make sure you are running the latest UEFI also.

2) You can download and install the ASUS BOOT setting tool from here: got to the utilities tree and look for ASUS BOOT setting. This handy little tool installs to the OS and you can select BOOT to BIOS so you dn't even need to jam the del key during BOOT :)

I think I have some bad sata cables I can get my ssd and one hdd to run but when I plug it into my third hdd it won't boot. My PS is a Ulta X4 850w. It is up and running now, this is my second MB after taking it out I bent some pins. Asus said they could fix it for $120 plus parts but could not promiss that it would work. wtf
I would keep any drive you want to BOOT from on the Intel ports only - just a note. (ASMedia and Marvell ports don't always support BOOT).

This platform is sensitive to SATA cables. You have to use the ones that came with the board. Some of the third party generic cables are not compliant (noise or other issues).

Any SSDs you have I would updat eot the latest firmware if not done so already.

I would keep any drive you want to BOOT from on the Intel ports only - just a note. (ASMedia and Marvell ports don't always support BOOT).

This platform is sensitive to SATA cables. You have to use the ones that came with the board. Some of the third party generic cables are not compliant (noise or other issues).

Any SSDs you have I would updat eot the latest firmware if not done so already.


I am using the cables that came with the MB. I was talk about the power cables from my power supply. The HD are in ports 1&2. and my SSD is in port 4.