News Asus Z890 motherboards update the BIOS without unzipping the file — EZ Flash 4 comes with support for ZIP files

I've been going through the manual for the Z890 Strix E since I'll be using that in my next build. One of the more important things that bothers me the most is the lack of a case fan connector near the back of the motherboard for the rear case fan. Also more importantly, with m.2 coolers becoming larger they need to rethink the location of those, preferably away from the cpu, vrm and gpu coolers. Fortunately with that board since the 3rd and 4th m.2 slots seem to operate the same as the 1st slot when I'm not using a gpu I can mount an m.2 in the 4th slot and mount a Team Group T-FORCE DARK Air Flow cooler on top of it without interfering with any other components.
Making small changes like these do add up. The 1080p and zip file support is nice. I have a few Asus MBs with the Q-release. Very handy. The old style is a pain. It sometimes requires a tool, (I use a wooden dowel). A slip can damage your MB. The Q-release button is a joy to use. I hope the other MB vendors do the same. (If they haven't already).
What I think is cool is that asus uefi can read the update file from your windows ntfs drive, but that has been around for a while.