ASUS Z97-A RAM faulty?

Nov 21, 2018
Hello! I have a mobo named ASUS Z97-A, which I got back in somewhere between 2016-2017. In the start, my mobo worked perfectly fine and everything went great. Then, my ex managed to ruin two of the RAM-slots on it (no clue how he did it) because his were ruined the same way in his PC, so he took mine to see if it worked for him, and ruined mine as well (in his opinion he thought I didn't need extra GB of RAM because I was not that ''harcore gamer'' as he was :sarcastic: ) and he did not care so much for the matter.

Now, not together with that guy anymore, I've decided upgrade a bit. This week I managed to get my hands on a new PSU from Corsair, named RM850x, which was a large upgrade from the 500w I had from before from CoolerMaster. Before that I newly got a GTX 970 Zotac GPU, and discovered that I needed more power to drive everything more smoothly as the card was a lot more power-requiring than my old 660Ti.

However, everything on my computer went fine before I inserted the RM850x. My PC would boot, only it leading to staying powered for a second or two, then turn off again, and this process going repeatedly. I thought first that it was problems with the cables so I checked all cables if they were placed well enough. And so they were. So then I was recommended to check if all components like GPU and RAM was connected good enough. I removed my GPU, only it leading back to the same problem.

Then I tried removing one of my RAM- cards (note: I had 2x4GB cards in two slots, not remembering correctly which they were in) and placing my GPU. Everything worked fine, the PC turned on, and stayed on for a while until I shut it off for further testing. Then I put in the other RAM card again to see if it worked again. Then it all went to point one again, restarting in a loop. I tried this in all the slots to see if it worked, to no avail. Then, I managed to get two Corsair DDR3 RAM-cards that are 2x2GB each, in slot 1 and 2. Everything worked, including the screens this time so I could see what was going on. Before this nothing would show up at my screens. My PC acted like they were not connected at all, even though it registered something in the plugs as the screens did turn dark in a result of noticing being connected to something. Then I shut my PC off in an last attempt to see if my old cards worked in the same slots as the cards that were working properly. Nope. Did not work.

So I connected the functioning cards again in the same slots and started my computer successfully. I had the same problem with them as well at first, but somehow it turned well in the two slots mentioned. Now I hope the one reading this beared with me and sorry for all the text, but I wanted to explain :ange: :

What could be wrong with my previous RAM-cards, are they defect? (Crucial 2x4 RAM-cards, not sure of other specs other than that)
Is it possible to fix those two slots that arent working, if so how?
If not, is it possible to send the mobo for a reparation of the slots? I do not have a warranty confirmation for it as this is a long time ago, to the point where everything about pc components were alien language to me.
Which RAM cards do you recommend to use if I manage to fix this, that might fit with the things I have?
Does the new PSU have a fault in this?

I would rather not be stuck here with just 4GB RAM for a while as I really want to play games that demands high memory, as well as I soon will start college and will need up to 16-24 GB RAM even because of programmes such as ArchiCad and AutoCad. Help me please, and thank you so much for reading this and helping! 😀

My components, or specs:
An i5 processor of some kind

Got more parts but currently I cannot remember component names :??:

Memory is guaranteed in the form sold. Other combinations you decide to make have no guarantee to be compatible together.

Choice of memory for Z97-A depends on CPU used. Probably DDR3-1600MHz would work.

If you have a question about memory, I suggest you list a link or a part number of the memory.