Asus Z97 Sabertooth, no post/boot/display after BSOD.


Feb 23, 2015
Updated my PC yesterday with an i5-4690k & Asus Z97 Sabertooth mark 2 combo. Went through the installation and update with minimal issues. 24 hours later while playing a PC game, the rig has a blue screen of death and crashes. Computer currently will not reboot or get to BIOS.


EVGA Gtx760
Asus Z97 Sabetooth Mark 2
Intel i5- 4690k (Stock fan, no overclocking)
G skill 2x8 ddr3 1600
kingston 120gb
1tb HDD

Troubleshooting so far:
- Bios updated to current version after install yesterday.
- All chipset and graphics cards drivers updated.
- Unplugged and replugged all components.
- Case standoffs in correct position, no shorts on board to case.
- Pulled GPU and ran the mobo directly through HDMI to a TV, still no output. (No VGA on the mobo card)
- reseated ram, no issues with mobo passing ram verification test.
- Cleared the CMOS via switching the jumpers, did not pull the battery.
Morning update:

Pulled and reset the CMOS battery, no changes to above.

During the current boot process, the computer is cycling through the VGA, CPU and Mem LED's, but doesn't stop on any LED to declare an issue with that device. After the computer has booted up, the only light on the mobo remaining is a green light on the bottom right corner, which I do not see a label on the MOBO for, or any info in the mobo manual.


I just unplugged the HDD / SSD and tested the mobo/cpu/RAM under two setups:

Setup 1: GPU attached, no display coming out of the VGA ports in the GPU.

Setup 2: GPU out, tested output signal from the MOBO's HDMI port. No display either.

In both setups above I tested the ram in different configurations and settings.