AT ATH-M50x vs Sennheiser HD 598 SR?

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Jan 22, 2014
Which would you guys recommend? I do a lot of gaming as well as like to listen to my music loud. I have a pretty small head. Currently own Sennheiser 451's that I've had since 2016 and I love them! But starting to get a popping noise when I listen to music too loud so looking for some new headphones. Or if there is better headphones for this price range?

Let me know what you guys think! Both have great reviews. The 598's are slightly cheaper by a few bucks but that's not a big deal

Thanks :)
Heyo TheOhBuddy

I've had experience with both of those headphones and in my opinion the HD598sr's are the clear winner. I'm a bit of a Sennheiser nut myself, but I could actually enjoy the HD598sr's compared to the M50X's.
The M50X's have a tad too much bass for me and gawd those highs. I could live with the headphone as it is, but those highs are the achileas heel of them. Waaay too sibilant for me. I've gotten friends and family to try my old pair and the same reaction all over.
Now when that's said though. Not all have that experience with them.

As for the HD598sr's. Pleasant headphone to listen to. I personally find they have a just little too much bass, but I also like my response curve to be as flat as possible. Overall...
The 598 is open back with a huge soundstage and with a mostly neutral sound signature. I own original 598s and still use them for gaming despite having several pair of more high end headphones. They sound good with music but are somewhat bass lite.

The ATH M50X is closed back with a boosted bass signature. I haven't heard them to compare, just going by reviews.

Unless EDM or rap is all you listen to the 598s would serve you very well. The M50X is probably better if you're a bass head.
As owner of the Audio Technica M50x Black I can tell you they have excellent sound insulation so you won't be listening anything even if you are not listening to music. That also works the other way round so people in the same room will not be listening to music from the headphones. They cover the ears very comfortably and they have a very strong bass (maybe a little too much for my opinion) as anort3 says. The negative is that they use a special jack on the headphones so you cant change the cable to anything else than the audiotechnica ones. Also the jack on the headphones may bother you since is a bit too long and may "hit" you on the shoulder.
In general they have excellent sound quality and build quality. They have soft lether ear covers and they are comfortable to use. The cables are long enough up to 3 meters the longest and 1 meter the short. I use them for both gaming and listening to music and I am very satisfied.
Heyo TheOhBuddy

I've had experience with both of those headphones and in my opinion the HD598sr's are the clear winner. I'm a bit of a Sennheiser nut myself, but I could actually enjoy the HD598sr's compared to the M50X's.
The M50X's have a tad too much bass for me and gawd those highs. I could live with the headphone as it is, but those highs are the achileas heel of them. Waaay too sibilant for me. I've gotten friends and family to try my old pair and the same reaction all over.
Now when that's said though. Not all have that experience with them.

As for the HD598sr's. Pleasant headphone to listen to. I personally find they have a just little too much bass, but I also like my response curve to be as flat as possible. Overall though, amazing headphone to settle in with. Comfortable with a thick bass and just enough treble to make them interesting.

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