AT&T U-Verse Fiber Surprise Fees

Edit: I figure some of you must use U-Verse with the Internet 100 + TV U300 package with 4 or less TV sets. So, you have a bill available to see what other fees you are paying. I'm in GA.

My area has been added to AT&T's updated fiber network. I've been looking at the packages they offer and I'm wondering what surprise fees will be on the bill and how much they are.

Right now I have Comcast and my current package discount has expired. I have to pay the following beyond the advertised price.
$10 - HD Technology Fee
$7 - Broadcast TV Fee
$5 - Regional Sports Fee

I own my own equipment besides one cable box. So I currently avoid.
- Equipment Rental Fees
- DVR Fee

However, because I own my own equipment. I have to pay Tivo $15 per month. At least that allows me to replace a DVR and three cable boxes with a Tivo Bolt and three minis. In the long run I saved some money.

As AT&T uses different technology. I know my cable modem and Tivo units will be useless and for some reason only cable companies not fiber optic must support customer owned equipment.

Anyways I know the equipment cost is supposedly 4 TVs without fees. Is that the real picture? Are there missing non-optional fees? Outside of legitimate taxes.
- Modem/equipment Rental
- Broadcast Fees
- HD Tech fees
- DVR Fees

Also they claim unlimited internet in their Internet 100 + TV U300 bundle. Is this real unlimited or is their a data cap? Whether a soft or hard cap.

As for the quality and reliability of service. I know it can be hit or miss. The same as with Comcast. I've known Comcast to have better signal quality but haven't spent much time looking at the upgraded fiber network. The old plans were horrible.

I'm not sure how serious I am. I'm getting fed up with dishonest fees. I at least want to make the Comcast customer retention specialist sweat a little. While I try to negotiate a better deal. But I can't do that without hard pricing. The sales people are worthless. Customer retentions is the department that has some wiggle room.

There is no such thing as total unlimited, simply because if they don't overcharge you for every gb on the limit, they limit you on speed instead, based on how much you've willing to shell out per month. Throttling specific streaming services is another favored tactic which we've had up here in Canada. Everyone, even users that pay the highest speed unlimited plans report eventually running into limitations when passing a certain number of gigs per month and it seems the isps start shaping traffic and prioritizing customers with less usage per month, limiting your downloads that way. It's not true lack of limit as it is a "we won't charge you exhorbitant fees per gb over limit" tactic.
There is no such thing as total unlimited, simply because if they don't overcharge you for every gb on the limit, they limit you on speed instead, based on how much you've willing to shell out per month. Throttling specific streaming services is another favored tactic which we've had up here in Canada. Everyone, even users that pay the highest speed unlimited plans report eventually running into limitations when passing a certain number of gigs per month and it seems the isps start shaping traffic and prioritizing customers with less usage per month, limiting your downloads that way. It's not true lack of limit as it is a "we won't charge you exhorbitant fees per gb over limit" tactic.