10tacle :
ThisIsMe :
Second, Time Warner Cable, which is a separate entity, has already merged into Charter Communications along with Bright House Networks. So that isn't even a valid concern at this point.
can't be serious. So are you saying let's just not put a stop to all these corporate conglomerate orgy parties going on these days? At what point should we say ENOUGH is ENOUGH? Already most Americans HATE their providers as it is due to mergers and getting too big for their britches with regional monopolies.
Do you honestly think an AT&T-WTC merger would be a positive thing for subscribers? Because if you honestly do and you are an American, then about all I can say is that I hope you do not vote.
Okay let's try this again, since it obviously went over your head the first time.
There is no AT&T-TWC merger happening. TimeWarner Cable (TWC) has already merged into Charter Communications, Inc. a while ago, is now called Charter Spectrum, is not the same company as TimeWarner Inc., and is completely owned by Charter Communications Holding Company LLC.
See here:
The merger this article is referring to has nothing to do with TWC. It is between two other companies, AT&T and TimeWarner Inc.
See here:
Also, I'm not really sure where you got the idea that I did not want to stop these massive mergers. I was actually complaining about past mergers and other companies that, in my opinion, have abused this tactic to a great extent. I only thought it worth mentioning the fact that people ignore, or even praise, some companies doing it while condemning others.