ATI/AMD HD 7750 GDDR5 1GB compatible with my system.?


Aug 18, 2012
Hello guys, whenever I have problems you guys are the first ones I approach. I am from India - so as to answering my questions will be easier for you if you knew where I am from.

So recently I had replaced my Foxconn 45CMX Mobo with a Not so well known brand named Consistent Mobo as in India currently there are no available leading branded mobos out now which has a LGA775 socket but this Consistent mobo had all the same specifications including a LGA775 socket for my Processor which is Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4Ghz., 4gb DDR3 Ram, PCIe 2.0 x16 Slot for my GPU and all other things similar to Foxconn. Now my main question is my old Nvidia 9500Gt 512MB GDDR3 died and I am thinking of getting a AMD/ATI HD 7750 GDDR5 1GB card of Sapphire and a Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40Ghz which should fit in a LGA775 socket but I am not sure if my HD7750 will be compatible with the Antec 450w PSU that I have. Plz help me, it's urgent and I want to upgrade before AC4 Black Flag releases.
I too am from India. And its not like There are not much branded MOBOs in india for core 2 duo. You just have to search them in right place. Thats it! And your gpu (hd 7750) will run on that motherboard and psu for sure. I heard that intel stopped making core 2 quads. But in India you might be able to find them. And Core 2 quads are better than most of the i3s, so a wise choice.
An hd 7750 does not require an external power supply from your psu, it draws power from the PCIe bus. So it will work fine with your 450W psu. So buy it before computer components become more overpriced in Inida. If you would have bought it 4 months ago, you might have had to pay less for an hd 7750 and now they are overpriced. But still, buy as soon as you can before they become more overpriced.
Also consider buying them from which will be even more cheaper than local dealers and will provide you the best service.
watch this link :
and also :
Just be aware that AC4 might not run that great with an HD7750 and an older CPU. In fact, a Core2 Quad Q8400 is the MINIMUM for a CPU:

Just in case you're interested, it sounds like you'd spend about HALF the cost of a Sony PS4, and AC4 is absolutely incredible on the PS4.

On your PC you'd get low/medium with a lot of stutter but on the PS4 it would be basically HIGHEST settings at 60FPS.

Provided he should have a full HD TV. And in india not everyone has a full hd TV as they are overpriced. Unless he has a TV of 1080p he should go for pc games. And bro even on lowest settings Pc graphics is still better than consoles.
And lets put the gaming factor aside. His current rig is quite old and it really needs an upgrade. And in India consoles are not as cheap as they are in USA, the price of a ps4 in India is announced as more than 29000 rupees and of Xbox One is 35000 rs. With that money he can buy an fx 8350 and an r9 280x and a compatible motherboard.
Again, I realize you might not care, but here's better PS4 info for AC4. I'll call that ACPS4.

Okay, AC4 runs at 30FPS on the PS4 but it's apparently very smooth and beautiful, and never dips below 30FPS:
"I completed the entirety of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag on a PlayStation 4, which brought several expected benefits over current consoles. Assassin's Creed 4 runs at a native resolution of 1080p (1920x1080), Ubisoft says, and also uses high-resolution textures, clearly apparent in the vivid colors of historic Havana, the only city in the game that even approaches opulence. Jagged edges persist on thin objects like ropes and mast lines, which is unfortunate for a game filled with ships. The single-player game runs at an unflinching 30 frames per second, even during some of the more complex naval entanglements (which often led to hectic boarding sequences and fighting), as does the multiplayer portion."

Sorry, but you just don't know what you're talking about with that PC versus Console link.
You showed a video comparing last-gen consoles to a gaming PC that probably cost well over $1000.

How does that relate to a PS4 versus a low-end gaming PC?

There's a reason there are MINIMUM and RECOMMENDED PC specs and the CPU he wanted to get as an UPGRADE didn't even meet the minimum.

I don't know if he cares about the PS4, but I thought I'd mention it all the same.
Thank you both photonboy and stormkiller - You guys are being both helpful and I appreciate that - First and foremost stormkiller is right, things in India are way more costlier than in US or Europe. Now secondly I don't know if you had noticed it or not but it's not your fault as I had not mentioned it. I have a total of 2 computers at home - One was from long time back, when I first started gaming and that is the one which I want to just marginally upgrade it to it's peak and the other I just made a few months back which is 60x times more powerful. Now for me I don't want to have a dead computer with low powered processor and recently dead GPU. So I thought of upgrading these parts to a better one. Secondly I may not be an expert but I am not a fool - I had checked AC4 Black Flag requirements and based on that I decided to get these parts as an upgrade. My plan was not to run AC4 on Ultra in this computer but if the upgraded computer can run AC4 on Medium to High settings on a full HD 1920x1080 monitor than my plan to take my old cpu to it's peak has been successful.

Here's the proof it can run it -

I didn't say it wouldn't run, just that it wouldn't run that well.

I'm having a hard time believing that AC4 would run Medium to High at 1920x1080 with those specs, despite what the above says.

Anyway, I guess you've made up your mind so I wish you well but here's some final advice:
1) game at 1600x900
2) set your target (40FPS with VSYNC OFF; or 30FPS with VSYNC ON)
3) tweak carefully (2xAA probably, 4xAA maybe, 8xAA is a no)

Common, I showed a video which compares pc max and also pc minimum to the consoles, And clearly any kid can tell that even a pc minimum graphics, is much better looking than consoles. So even if he can run crysis 3 at minimum settings ( which he sure will ), he will get much ahead than cosoles. Besides I already told that pc is much cheaper in India than consoles. It's a Pc hardware site, so you don't need to explain how ps4 could be better than pc, which it is not.

Yes you sure will run it. Even at 30 Fps every game is certainly payable, except some games. And The requirements which are given on game-debate are of 1080p resolution. And if your monitor is not of 1080p resolution, let's say it has 1280x1024 then surely you will be able to play it on medium to high settings at 45+ FPS. BTW I like Game-Debate as it is the best web site for game system requirements, And I would have been an expert there but I don't get enough time to answer people here and also on G-D. So I only stick With Tomshardware. 😛 😀
I'm going to stay out of the PS4 vs PC discussion as I don't want to monopolize this thread.

I hope BF4 works well for you with an upgrade. Just remember as I said earlier to TWEAK all the quality settings with a goal in mind, so monitor with FRAPS while doing it.

The optimal QUALITY with an HD7750 would be 1600x900, not 1920x1080. There are lots of setting to play around with and you should REDUCE or turn OFF those which provide the least benefit. If there are quick LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH settings then try one that gets you CLOSE to your desired frame rate then fine-tune the settings.

If you still don't understand what VSYNC is, then educate yourself. Many people turn it OFF, then aim for 40FPS. With VSYNC ON the game may synch to 30FPS as well as feeling very sluggish (due to the buffering to synch with the monitor). The only drawback of turning VSYNC OFF is the screen tearing which can get pretty bad but it varies a lot even in the same game.
