I set my ATI CCC Auto overclock test to see what my CPU could be clocked at and when I walked back to the room my computer had shut down completely and now won't turn back on, won't even power up. What could have happened?
The CCC is for overclocking your GPU, not your CPU.
What are your full specs?
Do you have any fans? lights? anything?
The computer has no fans lights or anything coming on. If i unplug it , it will blip for a sec when i press the power button but then never actually turn on. After that not even a light comes on.
ATI CCC actually has a tab that has a auto tune function. Its test frequencies to check high high you can OC the cpu.
All I know is that it was running and when I came back the PC was dead and wont come back on.
CCC does not overclock your CPU. It has nothing to do with your CPU. You can use CCC to adjust your GPU settings.
know I'm not crazy here. The auto tune function in ccc was uping the stock 3.7 core speed higher and higher and last I checked before I left tje room, it was at 4.0 ghz. I wasn't the gpu . I would get a screen shot but oh wait my pc won't even boot to bios
Disconnect everything from the PSU output.
Take a small piece of wire or bent paperclip and bridge the motherboard connector between the green wire and any of the black wires. Make sure you do not bridge the wrong ones by accident.
Plug in the PSU, the fan should spin.