ATI Cuts Price of HD 4870 512MB

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"ATI is gearing up for the fight, standing its ground on the graphical front with not only the release of the upcoming Radeon
HD 2890, but by slashing the price of its Radeon HD 4800 series."

I think you mean 4890 ^.^
It's cool just because ATI responded to NVIDIA's decpetive rebranding plan, by just smashing it by making their 2year younger and all round better card the same price. Ouch. Nvidia can't be to happy, only the uniformed or fanboys will be choosing the 250.
Wow just last year I thought it was all over for ati and now there just not giving nvidia a break. there is no reason to buy a 250 gtx or whatever. Glad to say I been an ati fanboy since 1998.
The HD 4870 has always been good value for money even when it was first launched and now it's crashed down to just $150 it makes it even better value for money.

Is it possible to cram so much value for money into one product!?! :) I was going to wait for the HD 5870 to arrive but at this price point it's tempting.
that price is absolutely awesome! I remember spending over $200 for my 4850 a while back, but with the 4870 being even cheaper than what my card retailed for.. I don't know what to say, hooray!!
ATI is gearing up for the fight, standing its ground on the graphical front with not only the release of the upcoming Radeon HD 2890

Are they going backwards or was it supposed to be 4890?

Kinda sucks for me, jut bought a 4870 1GB version for 225, a good deal but it probably would have been less if i knew and waited.
From the start, ATI gave every indication their 4870/4850 was very cheap to produce. They released the 4870 at $300 when the GTX280 was still at $650. ATI easily could have charged $400 or $500. Everytime Nvidia reduces prices, so does ATI.

ATI has a much better business model, create affordable power. Nvidia just goes for power at any cost, and its hurting their bottom line when not everyone can afford a brand-new $700 GPU. I mean, why isn't there a legit GTX 250 instead of a rebranded one. Seems like the GT200 Nvidia created was a one-trick pony.
I guess everybody who was saying last year that AMD/ATI was dead has pretty much been pwnd. You know Nvidia is hurting when they can't afford to design a new GPU. Couple that a forthcoming fiasco with Intel's Core i7(after about one year@ 80c under load, people are going to realize they don't last forever at those temps, even if they aren't BSODing when new), and AMD will be EVERYONE'S favorite company again, just like the good old Athlon64 days...
This is great, right now is one of the best times to buy hardware as the competition is so stiff, and the bang/buck ratio is awesome.
There is an article somewhere on the GTX 260/280 issue. Nvidia produced a VERY LARGE DIE chip. So it much costs more to make a GTX 260 vs ATI's 4800s. So when Nvidia went from $650 to $400 overnight on the GTX 280 - they were hurting. In some benchmarks, the 4870 is almost as fast and sometimes faster than the GTX 280.

Nvidia has been screwing up with their product naming for the past few years with 4~5 versions of the 8800 and then throw in about 4-5 rebranded 8800GT at different clock rates. The 9600, 9800GT, GTX are still 8800GT in heart. Now its a 250? The 9500 becomes the GTX 120? And whats with the GTX or GT in front of the name now? Today's 9800 cards SHOULD have been called 8700, 8900 cards. Not this mess we have today.

Also, does this mean the GTX 250 is an upgraded GPU that doesn't have the manufacturing defects in the G9x series?

Imagine those who paid $600 for those 8800GTX a year ago.
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