This is the kind of idea that the original "Tom" would have pursued! To excess!
I think it's a question of how does data flow - is it better with 2 cards or one - or 3? or 4? Now that would be an interesting review. However, I think results would be very driver-dependent. One interesting idea, however. And again I see quad cpu technology meeting quad gpu technology.
I cannot help but think that a manufacturer of cpu's has a great advantage here. Combining cpu/gpu tek. But I don't know much about underlying tek that could affect this - but I think we will see this in a year. One chip or one card - a combo chip or an allinwonder mobo. Scary proprietary however. Almost sounds like Mac. But if it were cheap, green, and amd-"Game" rated, that would be the end of xbox, etc.
I guess they are all the same anyway.