Attempting to run my monitor in a 4:3 Custom resolution at 144hz and it doesn't work

Jul 29, 2018
Every time I turn on my custom resolution (1440x1080, 4:3) it turns off 144hz. When I attempt to turn on 144hz with this resolution, my monitor switches to 600x480 res or something similar.

I use AMD (Radeon HD 7950) and have an i7, my monitor is an Acer GN246HL

Using this resolution at 144hz in the game I need it for is super beneficial so not being able to do it really sucks, i'd appreciate it so much if I could get some help or know what part of mine isn't allowing this to work so I can maybe replace it!

Would it potentially be a cable issue? I'm using a white DVI I cable currently.

Thank you so much guys, much love