I'm confused about the ATX 3.1 spec...does it require the 12-pin GPU power connector (that is used on cards like the 4000-series) to be on the PSU itself?...or is that still optional?...I'm in the process of buying parts for a new build and see that some ATX 3.1 PSU's don't have the new 12-pin connector and some do...it also seems like some 3.0 PSU's are certified as 3.1 compatible
is it best to buy a 3.1 or 3.0 PSU?...is there any benefit to having the 12-pin connector on the PSU itself versus the older 8-pin connector?
is it best to buy a 3.1 or 3.0 PSU?...is there any benefit to having the 12-pin connector on the PSU itself versus the older 8-pin connector?