ATX Power Brick???


Mar 23, 2013
Ok goofy question but starting a custom build and space is at an absolute premium. Total component power draw should be >350 watts. I think I could use an SFX psu, but will most likely have to remove parts of the PSU case, so I was wondering if there was such a thing as a power brick (al la laptop) to atx connectors? I know I will need a 24 pin, 8 pin CPU, 8 pin PCIE, and couple SATA power thats it. Is there such a thing? Thanks in advance!
You do not want to limit yourself to a maximum of 400 watts. Besides, it is hard to find a good SFX power supply.

I also do not understand wny you need to remove parts of the case. Doing that is a great way to fry yourself, your computer, and possible start a fire in your home. None of which are good things. They have cases for a reason.

I would recommend using a standard ATX sized power supply. You can always get a good, solid ATX power supply. And those all come with the power cables you need for your system.

If I could fit anything near an ATX PSU I would not be doing anything of the above. Thanks though.

I see your point but completely defeats the reason I am doing this custom build. Thanks.


I am mounting an ITX build in a extremely small case, that being said, I have seen that video and I do like the Idea, but does me no good in my current build. Thanks.

As you can see my options will be very limited with the case, but foound the Flex ATX which may be a better option..
PSU Option:
PSU Option:,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
Quite a project. I forgot about the height. That case might be better than some aluminum cases.
I pulled out an 80mm fan PS temporarily and couldn't stand it recently. Changing the fan can only do so much and a 40mm fan would require more than most would endure. Physics of sound have resulted in newer 140mm fans. The passive PS option is expensive and some units have a hum from PFC etc. The Enermax Digifanless 500W is around $230 but it's tier 1.
I'm probably going to tire of movies before I have to replace my HTPC system.