Audio and Video player issue?

Battle Turtle

Jul 10, 2014
Hi, I have been having this very annoying issue where sometimes (seems fairly random) my audio during a game will just stop working. Alongside this videos just stop playing, I click along the time points of the video and the picture will change to what it would be but the video just won't play/move. For the game if I close it and re open it the sound comes back but will always go again after a little while. The only way to fix these problems is to restart my computer which works every time or just wait it out until videos start playing again but both are really annoying, I'm looking for a permanent solution. This has happened with multiple games not just one. My specs are i7 4770, GTX 970, windows 10, 8gb ram and a 1tb hard drive, thanks.
You've forgotten to include the motherboard in you systems specs although I'm going to assume we're talking about a motherboard that has a Realtek audio solution onboard. If that were to be taken into account then the issue can be located with the device, the drivers and the OS as well. The issue is well documented all over the www and most have expressed frustration by going for a dedicated sound card with functioning driver support courtesy of their respective manufacturers.

You may fair well with:
1| Disable automatic device driver update feature.
2| Uninstall you audio drivers within Device Manager. Make sure your BIOS and remaingin drivers(namely chipset) are up to date.
3| Reinstall your audio drivers either:
a| running in compatibility mode:
Right click installer>Properties>Compatibility tab>Windows 7/8][from drop down menu]
b| in an elevated command:
Right click>Run as Administrator

^ those aren't sure fire ways to succeed though it's been known to work on some folks. Heck the issue isn't even present for a small number of users on the www and the majority that don't socialize on forums.

Hope this helps