Audio Driver on P8Z68-V Pro Not Working

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Nov 14, 2011
This is my first build, and my mobo is an Asus P8Z68-V Pro and have a 64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium. I've been having a lot problems since day 1 of using it, but the most annoying of all of them is that I can't get any sound from my computer.

Connected my iPod to my monitor (Asus VE247h) the speakers work fine.
Tried changing the audio settings in BIOS... nothing
Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the realtek driver 3 times...same problem

I'm really considering getting a sound card instead 'cause this seems to not be going anywhere. And a sound card is cheaper then getting fixed at the computer store.

This is what I see on my screen (don't know if there's sound in the video... I can't hear a thing)
Are u connecting the iPod in the back, directly to mobo using the audio cable in the
green input on the right? Same color .

The utube video has no sound : )

Try this one @
Still no sound. The audio jack itself doesn't work, not just the individual programs.
The video I linked was to show you that the computer connects the front I/O back and forth from headphone to mic rapidly, and the back doesn't connect at all. It also claims to be connected even when I didnt connect any cable
Ok, so the audio jacks on my motherboard give no sound at all. I tried to fix it (mentioned in OP) but still doesnt work. Tried every audio jack (see pic of mobo I linked). The video I linked is to show that my computer is going crazy in the audio jacks
If u have audio drivers installed, it should work fine.

Does it make any cracking noises when u plug and unplug the audio cable?

Was it working ever before?

If not, could be RMA'd.

The audio on the board equals IMHO at least $40 worth of a sound card.
I know, but apparently the driver is problem.

No cracking noises. However while it's plugged, it makes a a veeery faint constant buzzing soung.


What's RMA? And how would I go about fixing that?

I know, but a simple diagnostic at the computer store costs exactly $40

Tried both HDMI and AC'97

ugh... RMA is a huge hassle and I really don't have the time for it anyway

Yeah my last attempt right now is to seek help from someone my friend knows. And if he can't fix it either or charges a lot, then I will have to get a sound card.

Yeah it's set through HDMI, I tried changing it to AC '97 in BIOS but no success.
Does a sound card come with it's own driver as well?
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