J Johnthomson74 Reputable Feb 27, 2014 1 0 4,510 Feb 27, 2014 #1 I cant open Autocad 2007- it has been installed for a number of years- says it is incompatible- or is it the the latest Windows upgrades are incompatible- can anyone help me to fix this frustration?
I cant open Autocad 2007- it has been installed for a number of years- says it is incompatible- or is it the the latest Windows upgrades are incompatible- can anyone help me to fix this frustration?
Solution ex_bubblehead Feb 27, 2014 http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/AutoCAD-LT-General/AutoCAD-LT-2007-and-Windows-7/td-p/2684964 Bottom line. AutoCAD versions prior to 2009 are not supported on Windows 7.
http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/AutoCAD-LT-General/AutoCAD-LT-2007-and-Windows-7/td-p/2684964 Bottom line. AutoCAD versions prior to 2009 are not supported on Windows 7.
ex_bubblehead Titan Moderator Aug 24, 2012 17,504 2,071 89,240 Feb 27, 2014 Solution #2 http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/AutoCAD-LT-General/AutoCAD-LT-2007-and-Windows-7/td-p/2684964 Bottom line. AutoCAD versions prior to 2009 are not supported on Windows 7. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/AutoCAD-LT-General/AutoCAD-LT-2007-and-Windows-7/td-p/2684964 Bottom line. AutoCAD versions prior to 2009 are not supported on Windows 7.
das_stig Glorious Jul 24, 2009 8,539 176 46,190 Feb 27, 2014 #3 Have you tried install SP2? http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/downloads/caas/downloads/content/autocad-2007-service-pack-2.html Upvote 0 Downvote
Have you tried install SP2? http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/downloads/caas/downloads/content/autocad-2007-service-pack-2.html
T tomhurns Honorable Apr 24, 2013 9 0 10,510 May 26, 2014 #4 Try these steps - http://blog.longbowsoftware.com/2014/05/25/installing-autocad-2007-on-windows-7-and-windows-8.aspx Upvote 0 Downvote
Try these steps - http://blog.longbowsoftware.com/2014/05/25/installing-autocad-2007-on-windows-7-and-windows-8.aspx