Automatic down clock from gpu tweak


Dec 26, 2014
So when i overclock my gtx 970 strix all is well but when it hits 60c it decides that its done with everything and down clocks itself and will stay on 1113.7MHz unti i ramp the fan speeds up to 80% and let it cool off to 55c then it will overclock back up to my stable 1488.7MHz and then ill bring the fan speeds down and it will down clock as soon as it hits 60c. It can't be thermal throttling because that would be rediculous.
It is thermal throttling, I recommend you find the setting for max temperature in you GPU Tweak, I'm not sure if GPU Tweak has this setting but if not MSI Afterburner does and you should try using it instead.

I wasn,t really sure about the thermaml throttling because at the nvidia conference they said that these cards were built to run at 80c but if it is thermal throttling thanks 😛