Automatically Detect Settings aren't Automatically Detecting Settings!

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Mar 14, 2007
Ok, I am working in an IT dept and we are having a problem with our computer where in IE we have them setup to Automatically Detect Settings. The issue we are currently having is that none of the computers are Automatically Detect Settings. They just hang and then time out. I have tried to go and de-click the automatic detect setting, close IE, open IE, let it fail, re-click auto detect, close IE, wait 30 seconds, open IE, and if I am lucky it might work. Most of the computers I have done this on seem to be working now, but there are a few who still are not working. It is very random of how this works or does not work and it is also really strange of how it came on.

It started last week with only laptops and then slowly by slowly spread until about the end of the week when we started to get our first desktops with these issues. Then come Monday almost all the desktops here (approximately 200) all did not work. Now Tuesday, it is very random to find one that dose not have this issue and also it is very random for my little work around to now work.

We do have a last resort of a proxy server setting but will are refusing to do this at this point. We want to figure out what is causing this and try to fix the issue before it gets worse.



Jun 30, 2008
One year later on planet Mars... I solved that problem by deleting my network connection and then recreating a new one with the wizard.

Sorry for the delay!


Mar 14, 2007
Thanks for the help.

We actually found an error in the proxy server. There was an update done by corporate that we weren't aware of and they changed a setting but didn't change it back. Once we found the forgotten setting and changed it back, low and behold, IT WORKED!!!

Thanks very much for your help though. I actually forgot about this thread because, well I posted last November..... Oh well.


Jun 30, 2008
You seem to be an expert in your field and I would appreciate just a little advice from you (responded by yes or no) if you don't mind.

I thought my internet DSL connection was so-so with Windows XP Pro so I decided to remove a few things like "Client for Microsoft Network", services like QoS packet scheduler, etc.

Since I'm the only one who uses this computer at home and still have no problem connecting with my provider, was there something I should'nt have got rid of?

Merci beaucoup de ta réponse!



Mar 14, 2007
Thanks for the complement, but I am no expert. I am going to school for NCM (Network Communications Management) but it was my boss who found the issues on his third or fourth look at the proxy server. I found a few work around and did stuff that an intern can do to help people work while we were investigating the real issue.

Ok, let’s see what I may be able to do with my limited knowledge. You do know what you are talking about, from what it sounds like. First, I do not think that an OS can really have a major effect on the internet speed. Your web browser in the OS can, but I have never heard of the OS itself cause the internet to be faster or slower. DSL is not going to be fast compared to high end cable or fiber optic networks. Your DSL connection probably is getting the correct performance for your variables. One of theses variables would be how close do you live to the DSL hub? The further you are from it, the slower you DSL connection will be.

I personally would not remove any of the stock settings from your network connection. I would just be too afraid that something that I install would require that function or protocol that was removed and not allow it to work at that point. But, you are still working (which means you left the TCP/IP at least). QoS (Quality of Service) is something that you should be more worried about if you are doing VoIP or something like that with. If you are not doing anything like that, then you shouldn't have to worry to much. Client for Microsoft Network.... I would never have removed it, but you are working so, take it for what its worth.


Jun 30, 2008
First of all, thank you very much for your reply and I have no doubts about your knowledge.

Well, I guess that "Hub thing" is all about "POTS". In other words: Point Of Telephone Service or something like that and measured in km or miles from you home; the shorter distance the better. Well, I'm just experimenting with my OS parameters one at the time (gpedit.msc, services.msc, regedit, blablabla and etc.) and when something goes wrong, I switch back to the previous setting.

One thing I can say though, is that when I unchecked the box "Enable LMHOSTS lookup" in the "Avanced TCP/IP settings" and when I disabled NETBIOS over TCP/IP, everything went better for me.

On this ("là-dessus"): Je te souhaite le meilleur des succès dans tes études et je suis convaincu que tu réussiras dans ton domaine car je sais que tu as la patience, la persévance et l'intelligence...

Thank you very much!

Signé : Sylvain


Mar 14, 2007
Well thank you for your compliments. I never really thought to test and see what each function did to try to speed up the internet. But you’re starting to get to get me thinking.

Thanks for the help and good luck to you too


Jan 30, 2012

By deleting network from the user's PC only who has problem with the settings?
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